Stabenow Statement on Trump Budget Request that Eliminates Great Lakes Funding

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) released a statement following news that President Trump’s full budget request for the 2018 fiscal year still completely eliminates funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: 


“It’s official—President Trump’s 2018 budget zeros out funding for our Great Lakes.  Thanks to thousands of people across Michigan speaking out, we already stopped cuts for this year.  This is a moment for Michigan when we all need to stand together to protect our Great Lakes.”


The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which Senator Stabenow authored in 2010, is critical to supporting jobs, fighting invasive species, and protecting the Michigan way of life.  Earlier this month, Senator Stabenow led the bipartisan effort to successfully pass full funding for the Great Lakes for the remainder of fiscal year 2017.