Senator Stabenow Announces Health Care Advocate Andrea Pietrowsky as her State of the Union Guest

Monday, February 03, 2020

Andrea’s Fight for her Daughter’s Life Led Her to Advocate for Comprehensive, Affordable Health Care


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) today announced that her guest for the 2020 State of the Union address will be Andrea Pietrowsky, a mom from southeast Michigan who became a health care advocate after her daughter was born with a severe congenital heart defect. Pietrowsky’s attendance at the State of the Union will highlight the need to stop President Trump’s relentless efforts to remove health care coverage for families in Michigan.


“Every family in Michigan deserves high-quality, affordable health insurance. Unfortunately, President Trump has done everything in his power to eliminate protections for people with pre-existing conditions and increase the cost of health care for families,” said Senator Stabenow. “I am grateful to have Andrea with me at this year’s State of the Union and for her work ensuring that every family in Michigan has the health care they need. Like every child in Michigan, her daughter Louisa deserves the best medical care available, regardless of their pre-existing conditions.”


“I’m honored to attend the State of the Union as a guest of Senator Stabenow, and as an individual citizen who has become a health care advocate out of necessity. My daughter was born with pre-existing conditions in 2014, a time when my biggest concern was simply helping her fight for her life. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, my family could not be deemed uninsurable or exceed life-time caps. When this Republican administration began attempting to repeal the ACA, my family’s concerns grew beyond surgeries, appointments, therapies, and medications—to whether or not Louisa would even be able to see her doctors and get the medical care she desperately needed. I found reassurance after meeting Senator Stabenow in 2017. Her actions then and now demonstrate she is committed to helping protect health care for Michigan families, including mine,” said Andrea Pietrowsky.


Pietrowsky is a Michigan resident and mother of two young children. Her 5-year-old daughter, Louisa, was born with a severe congenital heart defect. Louisa has undergone numerous major surgeries that have helped her become the active, enthusiastic, and thriving child she is today. Andrea is a health care advocate partnering with programs in her local community, throughout Michigan, and with Little Lobbyists to help protect access to health care, education, and inclusion for children like Louisa who have complex medical needs and disabilities.


Senator Stabenow and Pietrowsky met in 2017 when the Administration and Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Senator Stabenow has made protecting health care and lowering costs one of her top priorities. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, she was one of the authors of the Affordable Care Act, which created protections for pre-existing conditions, eliminated life time and annual caps, and required mental health and addiction services to be covered. She is focused on bringing down skyrocketing prescription drug costs by leading the charge to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drugs prices.

