Stabenow, Peters Announce Support for Nomination of Former Representative Pete Hoekstra to be U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Gary Peters (D-MI) today announced their support for former Representative Pete Hoekstra to be United States Ambassador to the Netherlands. 


“Former Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg famously said: ‘Politics stop at the water’s edge,’” said Senator Stabenow.  “While Pete and I have often been on opposite sides of issues, I know he is well suited to serve our country in this new role as Ambassador.  I look forward to supporting his nomination and introducing him to my colleagues in the Senate throughout the confirmation process.”


“I was proud to serve with Pete in the House of Representatives, and this nomination is a great opportunity for Pete to continue his service on foreign policy issues,” said Senator Peters. “I know that Michiganders will take pride in seeing Pete serve as our nation’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, and I look forward to supporting his nomination.”


President Trump nominated Hoekstra, who was born in the Netherlands, to be the next U.S. Ambassador on July 24, 2017.  His nomination will be considered by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.