Senator Stabenow Statement on President Trump’s Coronavirus Executive Actions

Sunday, August 09, 2020

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow today released the following statement on President Trump’s coronavirus executive actions:


“The President’s latest executive orders are another cruel political game pitting unemployed Americans against those providing essential state and local services.


“First, $400 per week is still a major cut in critically needed income for unemployed Americans.


“Then, instead of just providing federal funding for $400 a week to people who are struggling to survive, he requires states to provide 25% of the funding. At the same time, he refuses to provide desperately needed funding for state and local services, jeopardizing the jobs of first responders, health care workers, and others involved in critical essential services for all of us.


“So President Trump says that if states want to help their citizens who are currently out of work, they have to lay off workers! That is just a cynical game and just plain cruel.


“In addition, he pretends to protect people who are renters. But his executive order doesn’t help a single American family facing eviction right now—he merely directs his own administration to ‘consider,’ to ‘identify,’ to ‘review.’ It is clear there’s a serious problem and families are losing their homes right now!


“And, the President’s actions do nothing to provide funding to address the immediate worry of parents, teachers, and communities who are struggling with the decisions about re-opening schools.


“Families in Michigan know that we have to have the testing and health care needed to tackle this pandemic and keep us safe.


“They also understand that millions of Michiganders need help right now to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table, pay their bills and safely send their children back to school. 


“And they also understand that our small businesses and our family farmers need help to survive until we can safely reopen the economy.


“Bottom line, we need a bold, bipartisan COVID-19 package that meets the needs of Americans across our country.


“President Trump and Mitch McConnell, instead of playing political games, get back to the negotiating table. And do your job!”


